How much time should I rest between a set of exercises to increase muscle strength?

The best time to rest between exercise sets to increase muscle strength is 3 to 5 minutes.
This is because the energy source for performing vigorous exercises in a short time (from 1 to 5 repetitions within 15 seconds) is called ATP-PC or Adonesine Tri Phosphate and Phospho Creatine.
Without going deeply into biology, the source of ATP-PC is limited to the muscles and is exhausted in 15 seconds, and the body needs 3 minutes to reproduce it again within the muscles. (Here comes the benefit of a creatine supplement, as it increases the concentration of phosphocreatine in the muscles).
This means that resting for 3 to 5 minutes helps you lift heavier weights because the body takes the required time to rebuild the necessary energy source.
In a study conducted in 1997 on American football players, it was proven that players who took a 3-minute rest period between exercise sets were able to lift higher weights in the long run than players who took a minute of rest. Kraemer et al 1997
Another study conducted in 1995 proved that trainees who took 3 minutes of rest between exercise sets were able to increase their strength in the squat exercise by 7%, while trainees who took 30-40 seconds of rest increased their strength by only 2% in a period of 5 weeks. Robinson et al 1995
But remember not to take more than 5 minutes of rest, because your body will cool down and you will expose yourself to the risk of injury.
During the rest period between sets, do not sit for a long time. Walk on your feet to keep the blood flowing in your muscles and your body does not get cold and your strength decreases.
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