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The SASI process for losing weight quickly and without dieting – benefits and risks

a man holding his stomach with his hands

Hello guys

Surely you have come across some individuals who suffer from obesity and wish to get rid of it in the quickest way, but without committing to a strict diet and enduring hunger, suffering, and strenuous exercise! This was impossible in the past, but with the development of medicine, doctors were able to achieve this dream for this type of person, through the SASI procedure… This is what we will learn about in this article.

The SASI procedure has become a popular method among individuals who want to lose weight quickly without the need to do intense exercise or endure the constant hunger that accompanies dieting.

This operation involves combining the famous gastric sleeve procedure with the gastric bypass operation, where the doctor shrinks part of the stomach up to 80% of its original size.

The gastric bypass procedure aims to maintain low levels of appetite for food, which limits the ability to eat large amounts of food and thus contributes to rapid weight loss.

An additional procedure in SASI is intestinal bypass, which alters the path of food to reduce the absorption of calories contained in the food eaten.

The benefits of the SASI process include:

  1. Quick treatment for obesity and weight loss.
  2. Control blood sugar levels.
  3. Protects against heart disease and reduces harmful cholesterol levels.
  4. Maintaining blood pressure levels.
  5. Treatment of joint and ligament problems caused by weight gain.
  6. Improving psychological state and preventing depression caused by obesity.
  7. Increase self-confidence and improve self-image.

However, SASI surgery may cause some risks such as bleeding or ulcers in the intestine, reflux of bile into the stomach, and breathing and sleeping problems in some cases.

It is usually difficult to regain weight after SASI, but it must be maintained A healthy and balanced diet to avoid regaining weight.

The SASI procedure takes about an hour and requires an overnight stay in the hospital after surgery. Its cost varies depending on various factors, but its price is usually estimated between $800 and $1,200.

The SASI procedure is recommended in some cases where there is a need to lose weight quickly for health reasons. But in less serious cases, it is preferable to resort to non-surgical methods such as exercising and following a healthy diet.

If you lack experience in designing a diet or exercise program, it is recommended to consult with a specialist to help you achieve your goals in healthy and sustainable ways without the need for surgery.

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