
Joint pain in bodybuilders: causes and treatment methods

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Joint pain is one of the problems that some bodybuilders may suffer from after entering this sports field for a long period of time, but proper exercise and proper nutrition prevent these pains from occurring.

In this article, we explain the causes of joint pain in bodybuilding athletes, and ways to prevent and treat it.

1- Causes of joint pain in bodybuilders
Excessive use of weights in weightlifting exercises
Using heavy weights well and not performing the exercise correctly are common causes of joint fluid inflammation, as the joint fluid reduces the friction of the joints with each other, and with inflammation, joint pain increases.

The joints of the elbows, shoulders, neck, and knees are most susceptible to this inflammation, and when any pain occurs in them, it is preferable not to practice weight lifting exercises.

Incorrectly taking advantage of increased muscle strength
Some bodybuilders may increase muscle strength quickly by taking many nutritional supplements such as nitric oxide boosters, creatine, etc. Although this is good for the bodybuilder, what happens is that most of them increase the weight of the weights due to increasing the strength of their muscles instead of increasing the number of repetitions of the exercise and this. It may increase the chance of joint pain because the muscles gain strength faster compared to the strength of the joints, thus not giving them enough time to withstand the exercise.

Lack of proper nutrition
Joints, like muscles, need nutrition and rest, and therefore a lack of nutrients reduces the body’s ability to tolerate exercise. Therefore, training accompanied by poor nutrition may cause tendon rupture and joint reaction.

As a result, osteoarthritis may occur (an inflammatory condition of the joints that may occur due to the roughness of the joint cartilage and thus joint friction), and tendonitis that leads to bruising.

Lack of recovery and rest period
Constantly training with heavy weights and lack of sleep lead to joint pain, and you should know that the body usually may not fully recover after exercise, and therefore bruises may accumulate in the body after every intense exercise and accumulate over time, causing joint damage. To prevent this accumulation, organized or periodic exercise is recommended. According to a weekly training schedule.

The importance of getting enough sleep for a bodybuilder lies in the fact that during sleep, the body produces more muscle-building hormones, which work to deliver nutrients to the muscles, encouraging their recovery and rebuilding.

2- Preventing joint pain
Use a structured daily training schedule
Use an organized training schedule that includes alternating stages between high-intensity exercises with more repetitions of one exercise and exercises with heavy weights with fewer repetitions, because gradually decreasing the intensity of the exercise allows for recovery to occur.

It is recommended not to train for more than 60 minutes a day, and the frequency of training a specific muscle may vary from one person to another. It is recommended for those in their twenties when training a specific muscle to be every two days (i.e. twice a week).

Emphasize warming up before exercise
Warming up before exercise is very important, especially with age. Warming up means starting the exercise at a low intensity and then increasing it gradually, such as starting with fewer repetitions and then increasing them, or doing another exercise such as riding a bike for 6-10 minutes before lifting weights. The warm-up exercise helps raise the body temperature. And make it suitable for more intense exercise easily.

Eat the appropriate diet when bulking and drying
During bulking, it is preferable to get a balanced meal that contains 40-50% healthy carbohydrates (dietary fiber), 30-40% protein, and 20% healthy fats, at a rate of 5 meals per day. We emphasize omega-3 food sources, such as healthy fats, such as fish and nuts, because of their properties. Anti-inflammatory, including arthritis.

Some people may reduce calories significantly during the drying phase, and this may also weaken bone and joint density. Therefore, during drying, only a slight calorie deficit must be achieved in order to lose fat (i.e., for example, burning 300 calories more than necessary is a sufficient amount).

3- Treating joint pain
The nutritional supplement (glucosamine/chondroitin) is excellent for treating joint pain in bodybuilders because glucosamine leads to repairing articular cartilage damage and treats osteoarthritis at a dose of (1500 mg glucosamine/1200 mg chondroitin).

Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or ointments containing diclofenac sodium, can be used because of their pain-relieving properties. It is preferable to use nutritional supplements that contain a group of vitamins and minerals, which promote muscle building, fat burning, and also prevent joint inflammation.

In conclusion, we emphasize that exercising correctly, accompanied by appropriate healthy nutrition, prevents joint pain, maintains muscle health, and makes you achieve the goal you seek.

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