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The relationship between bodybuilding and osteoporosis

Bones and your skeletal system are of great importance for your life, daily movement, and exercise, and one of the most important risks facing your bones is osteoporosis. Continue reading the following article to learn more about osteoporosis and bodybuilding.


What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition in which a person’s bones lose their mass and density and become extremely weak. This occurs with aging and at a greater rate in women, often due to pregnancy and childbirth. This condition causes the bones to become weak and susceptible to breaking easily, and you may often feel a lot of pain in your bones, back vertebrae, and joints.

What causes osteoporosis?
There are several causes of osteoporosis, including:

  • Incorrect nutrition
  • Genetic traits
  • Poor absorption of nutrients by your body
  • Low estrogen levels in women
    Low testosterone level in men
  • Arthritis
  • Use some long-term treatments
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Getting older

And other factors, and in all cases you must avoid osteoporosis by including calcium and vitamin D in your diet and exercising, even if twice a week, and do not forget to expose your body to the sun to help produce vitamin D, which is of great importance. For bones and muscle building as well.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis usually does not show any symptoms at its beginning, but after a while the following symptoms may appear:

  • Severe back pain
  • Fractures of the back vertebrae
  • Weight loss over time

What is the relationship between osteoporosis and sports?
After an experiment conducted by doctors on women, they discovered that the rate of osteoporosis was greatly reduced by exercising, especially strength exercises, as bone density increased significantly. Among these, doctors reported that exercising in general reduces bone fragility and increases their density and health, and let us not forget that exercising in general improves metabolism. Nutrition and also the body’s absorption of nutrients, including micronutrients such as vitamin D and calcium.

High-intensity exercises, such as bodybuilding exercises, are an effective way to maintain bone density and reduce the chance of osteoporosis while increasing muscle mass, and thus your muscle strength increases. It is also worth noting that bodybuilding increases bone mass itself, so by following a balanced diet and practicing bodybuilding sports Bodies: You are very safe from osteoporosis, and even if you have osteoporosis, practicing bodybuilding will help you a lot in getting rid of it.

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