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Symptoms of high testosterone levels above normal

Problems associated with excess testosterone in men are rare and are not a problem in middle-aged and older men who are not receiving testosterone or other steroid treatments. The real problem occurs when the testosterone level becomes too low rather than too high.

However, very high testosterone levels have serious negative consequences for men’s health. Symptoms of excess testosterone in men include:

The cause of depression with high levels of testosterone is a disturbance in the hormonal balance, which makes the body respond negatively to external stimuli.

Men with high levels of testosterone usually respond to situations in an overly aggressive manner and have a greater tendency to get into fights with others.

Men who have high levels of testosterone may act without thinking about the consequences involved in their actions.

Uncontrollable anger and mood swings are linked to high levels of testosterone. It is difficult for men to control their emotions, especially anger, when hormones are out of balance.

This is because excess testosterone in the blood can completely shut down the activity within the testicles, causing the testicles to shrink.

High amounts of testosterone in the body can lead to low sperm count, causing reproductive problems.

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